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Cryopreservation and acclimatization of Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill.) genotypes. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici
- By admin
- 21/11/2024
Coste, A., Deliu, C., Vălimăreanu, S., Halmagyi, A. Cryopreservation and acclimatization of Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill.) genotypes. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici, 42(2), 466-471.
arbon isotope composition as indicator for climatic changes during the middle and late Holocene in a peat bog from Maramureş Mountains (Romania)
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- 21/11/2024
Cristea, G., Cuna, S.M., Fărcaş, S., Tanţău, I., Dordai, E., Măgdaş, D.A. Carbon isotope composition as indicator for climatic changes during the middle and late Holocene in a peat bog from Maramureş Mountains (Romania), The Holocene, 24 (1), 15–23
Climate variability and associated vegetation response throughout Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) between 60 and 8 ka
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- 21/11/2024
Feurdean, A., Perşoiu, A., Tanţău, I., Stevens, T., Magyari, E.K., Onac, B.B., Markovic, S., Andric, M., Connor, S., Fărcaş, S….. Zernitskaya, V. Climate variability and associated vegetation response throughout Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) between 60 and 8 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 106, 206-224.
Germination and cryopreservation responses of Jatropha curcas in relation to seed quality
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- 21/11/2024
Halmagyi, A., Pinker, I. Germination and cryopreservation responses of Jatropha curcas in relation to seed quality. Seed Science and Technology, 42, 1-11.
Morphological, biochemical, and phylogenetic assessments of eight Botryococcus terribilis strains collected from freshwaters of Transylvania
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- 21/11/2024
Hegedus, A., Mocan, A., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Coman, C., Druga, B., Sicora, C., Dragos, N. Morphological, biochemical, and phylogenetic assessments of eight Botryococcus terribilis strains collected from freshwaters of Transylvania. Journal of Applied Phycology, DOI10.1007/s10811-014-0387-2.
UV degradation of genomic DNA from in vitro grown plant species: A Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic assessment
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- 21/11/2024
Stefan, R., Muntean, C.M., Tripon, C., Halmagyi, A., Valimareanu, S. UV degradation of genomic DNA from in vitro grown plant species: A Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic assessment. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 108, 35-40.
Selection of proper reference genes for the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7002 using real-time quantitative PCR
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- 21/11/2024
Szekeres, E., Sicora, C., Dragoş, N., Drugă, B. Selection of proper reference genes for the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7002 using real-time quantitative PCR. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 359, 102-109.
Vegetation sensitivity to climate changes and human impact in the Harghita Mountains (Eastern Romanian Carpathians) over the past 15,000 years
- By admin
- 21/11/2024
Tanţău, I., Feurdean, A., de Beaulieu, J.-L., Reille, M., Fărcaş, S. Vegetation sensitivity to climate changes and human impact in the Harghita Mountains (Eastern Romanian Carpathians) over the past 15,000 years. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 (2), 141–152
ew light on a Roman Hill-Fort: LIDAR survey in the forested landscape from Porolissvm
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- 21/11/2024
Opreanu C.H., Lăzărescu V.A., Roman A., Ursu T.M., Fărcaş S., 2014 New light on a Roman Hill-Fort: LIDAR survey in the forested landscape from Porolissvm,Ephemeris Napocensis, XXIV/2014: 71-86.
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