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The Institute of Biological Research Cluj is a legal entity branch of the National Institute of Research and Development in Biological Sciences (INCDSB) Bucharest. București.
Brief History

The beginnings of the Institute of Biological Research in Cluj date back to 1948, when the first research groups coordinated by the Romanian Academy were established in Cluj-Napoca.
These included eight research units, three of which were dedicated to biology:
1. Flora Research Group (Acad. E. Nyárády)
2. Animal Biology Research Group (Prof. V.Gh. Radu)
3. Animal Physiology Research Group (Prof. E.A. Pora)
In 1954, two additional groups joined:
4. Plant Physiology Research Group (Acad. E. Pop)
5. Genetics Research Group (Prof. A. Lazányi)
Initially, the activity of these groups was supported by specialists from the Victor Babeș and János Bolyai universities in Cluj, operating within the spaces of university departments.
Biological Research Center
In 1958, the biology-oriented research groups merged into the Biological Research Center, with Acad. Emil Pop serving as its first director and the central administration located on M. Eminescu Street.

The headquarters from Republicii street
In 1965, some of the biology-oriented groups (botany, zoology) were merged into a renovated and partially newly constructed space at 48 Republicii Street.
The animal physiology group and part of the plant physiology group continued to be hosted in the facilities of Babeș-Bolyai University.
In the following years, new research groups, such as the Microbiology Group, were established, while the existing ones continued to expand.
The Pedology Group
In 1970, the Pedology Group (led by Prof. M. Nemeș) was integrated into the Center, having previously operated under the Cluj Branch of the Romanian Academy.

Institute of Biological Research
In 1990, the Ministry of Education and Science granted the Center the status of an Institute, under the new name "Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca."
The Transition to INCDSB Bucharest
In 1996, the Institute of Biological Research Cluj (ICB Cluj) became part of the structure of the National Institute of Research and Development in Biological Sciences Bucharest (INCDSB), with the status of a branch.

Legal entity
In 2004, through Government Decision no. 2082/24.11.2004, the Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca (ICB Cluj-Napoca), a branch of INCDSB, acquired legal personality.
Institute management
1958 - 1970: Acad. Emil Pop
1970 - 1981: Prof. Victor Preda
1981 - 1990: Prof. Ioan Puia
1990 - 2011: Dr. Gheorghe Coldea
2011 - 2022: Dr. Sorina Fărcaș
2022 - prezent: Dr. Bogdan Drugă.