Project Title: Experimental Models and Integrated Studies on the Impact of Climate Change on Natural Biosystems for Developing New Strategies and Technologies for Resource Regeneration, Sustainable Management of Bioresources, and Improved Quality of Life – BioClimpact
Nucleu Program: Development of Integrated Solutions for Improving the Circular, Sustainable, and Safe Utilization of (BIO)RESources to Provide Advanced Knowledge and Create High-Value Products Using Green Technologies (GREEN), Targeting the Bioeconomy-Environment-Health System (BIORESGREEN)
Project duration: 2023-2026
Project budget: 9.783.752 RON (approx. 1.968.561 Euro)
Main Objective: Evaluation, monitoring, and characterization of natural ecosystems and biodiversity to generate specific and efficient strategies, methods, and solutions for their conservation in the context of climate change and for optimizing the quality of life; assessment of the reactivity of biological systems to natural and anthropogenic impact factors.
Major Goal of the Project: Monitoring and characterization of natural ecosystems and biodiversity to develop specific and efficient strategies, methods, and solutions for their conservation in the context of climate change and for optimizing the quality of life. The project derived aims to:
Identify solutions and predictive models to prevent or mitigate toxic aquatic blooms and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes using ecosystem services from laboratory pre-adapted microalgae (“from nature for nature”).
Develop methodologies for monitoring key invertebrate groups (e.g., nematodes, insects) as indicators of climate change.
Leverage high-resolution remote sensing (aerial/satellite imagery, LIDAR) and GIS tools to monitor stored carbon and identify climate micro-niches for adapting bioresources to climate change.
Create best practice frameworks, including regenerative agriculture strategies to enhance biodiversity in urban-rural contexts and within protected areas, and integrate agro-ecosystem activities into the circular economy.
Ensure sustainable management of underutilized wild flora (e.g., endangered or endemic species) via medium- and long-term conservation in ex-situ collections to support future ecological restoration.
Validate solutions through testing, disseminate results, and explore practical applications.
Support capacity building by attracting, training, and retaining young researchers (PhD students, postdocs, technical staff) to develop highly qualified human resources.Through these approaches, the project addresses major societal challenges across various impact domains included in the 2022-2027 Strategic Research Agenda: climate change, bioeconomy, natural resources, biodiversity, environment, and health.