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Elevational variation in the biotic response to recurrent climate variability in the Carpathians
- By admin
- 02/02/2025
Feurdean, A., Tămas, T.; Tantau, I.; Fărcaş, S. Elevational variation in the biotic response to recurrent climate variability in the Carpathians; no evidence for greater sensitivity of high elevations, Journal of Biogeography, 2012, 39, 2, p. 258-271. Print ISSN: 0305-0270 Online ISSN: 1365-2699 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02605.x
Continent-wide response of mountain vegetation to climate change
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- 02/02/2025
Gottfried M., Pauli H., Futschik, A., Akhalkatsi M., Barancok P., Alonso J.L.B., Coldea G., Dick J., Erschbamer B., Calzado MRF., Kazakis G., Krajci J., Larsson P., Mallaun M., Michelsen O., Moiseev D., Moiseev P., Molau U., Merzouki A., Nagy L., Nakhutsrishvili G., Pedersen B., Pelino G., Puscas M., Rossi G., Stanisci A., Theurillat JP., Tomaselli M., Villar […]
Recent plant diversity changes on Europe’s mountain summits
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- 02/02/2025
Pauli H., Gottfried M., Dullinger S., Abdaladze O., Akhalkatsi M., Alonso J.L.B, Coldea G., Dick J., Erschbamer B., Calzado R.F., Ghosn D., Holten J.I., Kanka R., Kazakis G., Kollár J., Larsson P., Moiseev P., Moiseev D., Molau U., Mesa J.M., Nagy L., Pelino G., Puşcaş M., Rossi G., Stanisci A., Syverhuset A.O., Theurillat J-P., Tomaselli M., Unterluggauer P., […]
Somatic markers mediate the effect of serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms on Iowa Gambling Task
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- 02/02/2025
Miu, A.C, Crişan, L.G, Chiş, A, Ungureanu, L, Drugă, B, Vulturar, R. Somatic markers mediate the effect of serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms on Iowa Gambling Task. Genes Brain Behav, 11:398-403, 2012 https://scholar.google.ro/scholar_url?url=http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chis_Adina/publication/221846060_Somatic_markers_mediate_the_effect_of_serotonin_transporter_gene_polymorphisms_on_Iowa_Gambling_Task/links/0fcfd510978f47f371000000.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm3i1YiqBRJKIu7RqlI7M_P1F8XwlQ&nossl=1&oi=scholarr&ei=l8XYVNq2FYTbaO3ZgbgC&ved=0CB8QgAMoADAA
A critical evaluation of Carpathian endemic plant taxa from the Romanian Carpathians, Contribuții Botanice
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- 02/02/2025
Hurdu B.-I., Pușcaș M., Turtureanu P.D., Niketić M., Vonica G., Coldea G., 2012 A critical evaluation of Carpathian endemic plant taxa from the Romanian Carpathians, Contribuții Botanice, Cluj-Napoca, 47: 39-47.
Patterns of plant endemism in the Romanian Carpathians (South – Eastern Carpathians)
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- 02/02/2025
Hurdu B.-I., Pușcaș M., Turtureanu P.D., Niketić M., Coldea G., Zimmermann N.E., 2012 Patterns of plant endemism in the Romanian Carpathians (South – Eastern Carpathians), Contribuții Botanice, Cluj-Napoca, 47: 25-38.
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