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Abundance of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community composition in wastewater effluents from different Romanian hospitals
- By admin
- 02/02/2025
Szekeres, E., Baricz, A., Chiriac, C., Farkas, A., Opriș, O., Soran, M.-L., Andrei, A.-Ș., Rudi, K., Balcázar, J.L., Dragoș, N., Coman, C. (2017) Abundance of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community composition in wastewater effluents from different Romanian hospitals. Environmental Pollution.
CA3 hippocampal field
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- 02/02/2025
Toma, V. A., Farcas, A., Parvu, M., Silaghi-Dumitrescu, R., Roman, I. (2017) CA3 hippocampal field: Cellular changes and its relation with blood nitro-oxidative stress reveal a balancing function of CA3 area in rats exposed to repetead restraint stress. Brain Research Bulletin 130 (2017) 10–17
Visualization techniques for an airborne laser scanning derived digital terrain model in forested steep terrain
- By admin
- 02/02/2025
Roman, A., Ursu T.M., Lăzărescu V.A., Opreanu C.H., Fărcaş S. Visualization techniques for an airborne laser scanning derived digital terrain model in forested steep terrain: Detecting archaeological remains in the subsurface. Geoarchaeology. 2017;00:1–14.
Low temperature induced ultrastructural alterations in tomato
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- 02/02/2025
Halmagyi, A., Coste, A., Tripon, S. & Crăciun C. Low temperature induced ultrastructural alterations in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) shoot apex cells. Scientia Horticulturae 222 (2017): 22–31.
O. Unique postglacial evolution of the hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in the Carpathians and the Balkan Peninsula revealed by chloroplast DNA
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- 02/02/2025
Postolache, D., Popescu, F., Paule, L., Ballian, D., Zhelev, P., Fărcaş, S., Paule, J. & Badea O. Unique postglacial evolution of the hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) in the Carpathians and the Balkan Peninsula revealed by chloroplast DNA. Science of the Total Environment 599–600 (2017) 1493–1502.
Effect of Lingonberry Extracts on Blood Pressure and Myocardium in Paracetamol Intoxication
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- 02/02/2025
ROMAN, I., FARCAȘ, A., TOMA, V. Al Effect of Lingonberry Extracts on Blood Pressure and Myocardium in Paracetamol Intoxication. Bulletin UASVM Veterinary Medicine 74(1) / 2017, Print ISSN 1843-5270; Electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
Trends in single trait dispersion between early-mid successional stages
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- 02/02/2025
Gafta, D., Roman, A., Ursu, T. M. 2016 Trends in single trait dispersion between early-mid successional stages: the importance of species pool extension and habitat scale. J Plant Ecol rtw127.
Plant species richness sustains higher trophic levels of soil nematode communities after consecutive environmental perturbations
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- 02/02/2025
Cesarz, S., Ciobanu, M., Wright, A. J., Ebeling, A., Vogel, A., Weisser, W. W., Eisenhauer, N. 2017 Plant species richness sustains higher trophic levels of soil nematode communities after consecutive environmental perturbations. Oecologia
Microbial Composition and Diversity Patterns in Deep Hyperthermal Aquifers from the Western Plain of Romania
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- 02/02/2025
Chiriac, C. M., Baricz, A., Szekeres, E., Rudi, K., Dragoș, N., Coman, C. 2017 Microbial Composition and Diversity Patterns in Deep Hyperthermal Aquifers from the Western Plain of Romania. Microbial Ecology (2017)
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