Completion of the biodiversity impact study for the objective “Dacit quarry on the Jidovina ridge, Ocoliş commune, Alba county“. Estimates regarding the populations of species included in the annexes of the Birds and Habitats Directives (Directives 79/409 EEC and 92/43 EEC), which live in the habitats located on the site of the future quarry and in its vicinity and which may be potentially affected; estimation of the impact that the implementation of the project will have on these species. Estimates regarding the habitat losses generated by the implementation of the project. Estimates regarding the cumulative effect of industrial activities such as aggregate extraction in the quarry in the Jidovina perimeter on the habitats included in the SCI Trascău located nearby. Identification of habitat areas similar to the one in the Jidovina perimeter. Beneficiary: S.C. KEMNA CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS S.R.L., Păuleşti, Prahova (May 2011-June 2012)