Institutul de Cercetări Biologice Cluj, filială a INCDSB București, membru al Clusterului Agrotransilvania din Cluj-Napoca, are plăcerea să vă invite la evenimentul:”Oportunitate de cunoaștere a competențelor cercetătorilor din cadrul ICB Cluj, filială a INCDSB București, pentru furnizare de produse/servicii către mediul privat” organizat în cadrul proiectului Creșterea capacității de cercetare și a performanțelor instituționale ale INCDSB (Nr contract: 22 PFE/17.10.2018).
The Institute of Biological Research Cluj, a branch of INCDSB Bucharest, member of the Agrotransilvania Cluster in Cluj-Napoca, is pleased to invite you to the event: “Opportunity to learn about the skills of researchers from ICB Cluj, a branch of INCDSB Bucharest, for providing products/services to the private sector” organized within the project “Increasing the research capacity and institutional performance of INCDSB” (Contract No.: 22 PFE/17.10.2018).
The purpose of this event is to intensify the process of knowledge and technology transfer to economic agents and/or public authorities by accessing research funds and from other sources.
The event will take place on Thursday, June 06, 2019, starting at 4:00 PM, in the central building of the “Alexandu Borza” Botanical Garden, etj 2, Str. Republicii no. 42, Cluj-Napoca.