Biodiversity studies and monitoring of plant species (including invasive or potentially invasive ones on the national territory), CAEN 7219
The ICB Cluj-Napoca offer aims to carry out studies on biodiversity and monitoring of habitats and vascular plant species in natural and anthropized ecosystems, studies requested either by economic agents or as deliverables provided for in European environmental funding contracts or research contracts (funded by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization or by the European Union). Every six years, based on Article 17 of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC,
the conservation status of habitats and species of Community interest in protected natural areas of European interest is monitored. ICB Cluj-Napoca participated in the implementation of the system for monitoring the conservation status of species and habitats of community interest in Romania, as well as in the development of management plans for the conservation of biodiversity in several protected natural areas (Mlaștina de la Iaz reservation, sites ROSCI0322 Muntele Șes, ROSCI0250 Șinutul Pădurenilor, ROSCI0314 Lozna, ROSCI0435 Someșul ente Rona și Țicău).
Objectives pursued:
(i) Collecting field information on biodiversity in the targeted ecosystems and
elucidating the functional relationships between the various components of the biocenoses.
(ii) Identifying species with bio-productive potential (species of medicinal plants, berries, mushrooms), and conducting impact studies on ecosystems with a view to the sustainable collection of these resources.
(iii) Identification of endangered, rare and/or endemic plant species as well as species protected at national level by the existing legislative framework (Law 49/2011, with subsequent amendments and additions, which includes the species mentioned in the annexes of the Habitats Directive).
(iv) Assessment of the current conservation status and its evolution prospects for plant species (at population level) as well as quantification of existing pressures and future anthropogenic threats on them.
(v) Delimitation on the map of the areas of presence of species and creation of spatial geometries (polygon type) with Stereo70 projection, and attributes compliant with the INSPIRE directive.
(vi) Monitoring the conservation status of plant species and habitats by periodically revisiting the occupied areas, and re-assessing the conservation status according to the same criteria (in terms of species population, habitat, future prospects and anthropogenic pressures and threats).
(vii) Field identification of priority habitats for conservation in accordance with the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC.
(viii) Assessing the conservation status of habitats (in terms of occupied area, structure and functions, future prospects and anthropogenic pressures and threats).
(ix) Delimiting the boundaries of habitats on the map and creating spatial geometries (polygon type)
with Stereo70 projection, and attributes in accordance with the INSPIRE directive.
(x) Monitoring the conservation status of habitats by periodically revisiting the areas, and re-assessing the conservation status according to the same criteria (in terms of occupied area, structure and functions, future prospects and anthropogenic pressures and threats)
Offer description
ICB Cluj-Napoca has a long tradition in studying biodiversity from different types of ecosystems, especially species and habitats distributed in the Carpathian Region and the Transylvania Basin, targeting, among others, aspects of functional ecology and assessment of the effects of climate change on flora and fauna. The research team of ICB Cluj, with concerns in the field of plant taxonomy and ecology, has extensive experience attested by numerous publications and collaborations in national and European projects.
The results obtained from the studies carried out are delivered in accordance with the legally provided forms where applicable (within the framework of financing programs through European environmental funds), and at the request of the beneficiary, any other type of additional information (collected databases, representative images of the different plant species or habitats of interest) can be provided. Direct support is also provided in
debates regarding the implementation of management plans
under signed agreements or at the request of the
Innovative aspects of the offer
Increasing knowledge by applying the latest methods and techniques for exploring biodiversity (using different GIS solutions – ArcGIS, QGIS, GRASS; using remote sensing techniques (multispectral satellite image analysis); investigations in difficult-to-access areas using drones; creating ecological models for different species of interest in the R programming language). Inventorying and monitoring plant species from the spontaneous flora, as well as invasive or potentially invasive alien species. Developing models of interaction between the various components of biosystems, as well as between these and abiotic factors.
Advantages of the offer
Professionalism, quality, complete results (species data, habitats, distribution databases, spatial data in INSPIRE format, legally completed compliant forms), specialized consultancy from study planning and field data collection to management plan approval.