
Studies and reports

We offer reliable and high-quality services.

The INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH CLUJ-NAPOCA is registered in the National Register of Environmental Study Developers under position no. 214, with competencies in the implementation of:


25 Years

Research experience


Services we offer

Services - Biological Resources

Studies for the assessment of biological resources, aimed at obtaining permits for harvesting/acquisition from wild flora and fauna.


Utilization of microalgae in bioremediation and biomass/by-product production – Research and development in biotechnology

Molecular biology

Utilization of data obtained through molecular techniques in fields such as pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, and environmental protection.

In vitro cultures

Plant cultivation for propagation - Cultivation of aromatic, medicinal, and pharmaceutical plants.

Animal phisiology

Research and development in biotechnology, research and development in other natural sciences and engineering.

Fauna studies

Biodiversity studies and monitoring of animal species (including invasive or potentially invasive species within the national territory).

Habitat and plant studies

Biodiversity studies and monitoring of plant species (including invasive or potentially invasive species within the national territory).

Environmental and biodiversity protection

Preparation of technical and scientific documentation required for authorization/compliance in the field of environmental and biodiversity protection.


Services performed by ICB Cluj

  • 1Appropriate assessment study

    Appropriate assessment study for the construction of the microhydropower plant in Cociu – "Construction of a microhydropower plant with the components of the capture, MHC building, evacuation channel, ancillary utilities – in the locality of Cociu, outside the Sintereag commune, Bistrita Nasaud county". Beneficiary: S.C. TEN TRANSILVANIA ENERGY S.R.L. (April-May 2012)

  • 2Completion of the biodiversity impact study

    Completion of the biodiversity impact study for the objective "Dacit quarry on the Jidovina ridge, Ocoliş commune, Alba county". Estimates regarding the populations of species included in the annexes of the Birds and Habitats Directives (Directives 79/409 EEC and 92/43 EEC), which live in the habitats located on the site of the future quarry and in its vicinity and which may be potentially affected; estimation of the impact that the implementation of the project will have on these species. Estimates regarding the habitat losses generated by the implementation of the project. Estimates regarding the cumulative effect of industrial activities such…

  • 3Delivery and characterization of algal and cyanobacterial strains

    Services: Delivery and characterization of algal and cyanobacterial strains. Beneficiary: ICECHIM Bucharest (2012-2014).

  • 4Evaluation and impact studies for the harvesting of medicinal plants, mushrooms and berries, snail populations

    Evaluation and impact studies for the harvesting of medicinal plants, mushrooms and berries, snail populations. Beneficiaries: Laboratoare FARES Bio Vital, FAVISAN S.R.L., ARFUNGO COMIMPEX, S.C. ORGANIC PLANT AGE, ROM FUNGHI, S.C. ROM PA EXIM S.R.L., PLANT EXTRACT, S.C. PRODNATUR S.R.L., S.C. ARFUNGO COMIMPEX, S.C. AMILLARIA, S.C. BIOCARPATHERRA, S.C. BIOROM RALEX, S.C. HARGHITA FUNGI, S.C. MARIANA MARGARETA, S.C. MARIUS & MARIN FUNGHI, S.C. OVI TRANS FRUCT MONTAN, S.C. PETRUVIC TRANS, S.C. RIMANO EXPRESS, S.C. SILVA OPES etc. (2014).

  • 5Immunological, hematological, coagulation and serum biochemistry analyses

    Services: Performing immunological, hematological, coagulation and serum biochemistry analyses. Beneficiary: INCDTIM, Cluj-Napoca (2014).

  • 6In vitro and in vivo studies on the administration of functionalized nanoobjects

    Services: In vitro and in vivo studies on the administration of functionalized nanoobjects. Beneficiary: INCDTIM, Cluj-Napoca (2014).

  • 7Presentation memorandum

    Presentation memorandum for the project "Modernization of LES 0.4 kV str. Cardinal Iuliu Hossu (Pavlov)", Cluj-Napoca. Floristic research and in the area of ​​the investment objective, for the evaluation of the natural gene pool. Identification of the types of habitats present in the perimeter of the objective. Evaluation of the protective status for plant species, in accordance with the legislation in force, European directives and Red Lists. Evaluation of the impact of the activities planned to be carried out within the project on the flora and proposal of solutions for the conservation of biodiversity. Beneficiary: S.C. FISE ELECTRICA SERV S.A.,…

  • 8Presentation memorandum

    Presentation memorandum for the project "Modernization of the Rogojel 2 LV overhead line, departure towards Vodafone, Rogojel location, Cluj county". Floristic research in the area of ​​the investment objective, for the evaluation of the natural gene pool. Identification of the types of habitats present in the perimeter of the objective. Evaluation of the protective status for plant species, in accordance with the legislation in force, European directives and Red Lists. Evaluation of the impact of the activities planned to be carried out within the project on the flora and proposal of solutions for the conservation of biodiversity. Beneficiary: S.C. FISE…

  • 9Presentation memorandum

    Presentation memorandum for the project "Modernization of the 0.4 kV Valea Florilor OHL, Ploscoş village, Cluj county". Floristic research in the area of ​​the investment objective, for the evaluation of the natural gene pool. Identification of the types of habitats present in the perimeter of the objective. Evaluation of the protective status for plant species, in accordance with the legislation in force, European directives and the Red Lists. Evaluation of the impact of the activities planned to be carried out within the project on the flora and proposal of solutions for the conservation of biodiversity. Beneficiary: S.C. FISE ELECTRICA SERV…

  • 10Presentation memorandum

    Presentation memorandum for the project "Modernization of the Poiana Horea LV overhead line, departure towards Pârâul Roşu, Cluj County". Floristic research in the area of ​​the investment objective, for the evaluation of the natural gene pool. Identification of the types of habitats present in the perimeter of the objective. Evaluation of the protective status for plant species, in accordance with the legislation in force, European directives and the Red Lists. Evaluation of the impact of the activities planned to be carried out within the project on the flora and proposal of solutions for the conservation of biodiversity. Beneficiary: S.C. FISE…


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