Dr. Adela Halmagyi

Dr. Adela Halmagyi

Scientific Researcher I, Head of Department

Specialist in plant biotechnology including micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, cell cultures, and synthetic seed technology alongside ex-situ conservation strategies such as cryostorage (-196°C) of plant genetic resources.



I am a specialist in plant biotechnology with expertise in clonal propagation and the conservation of plant biodiversity. My research focuses on: 
  • Developing cryopreservation strategies (-196°C) for the long-term preservation of plant genetic resources, including clonally propagated crops, ornamental plants, endemic species, endangered or rare species, and medicinal plants.
  • Investigating and mitigating stresses associated with the freeze/thaw cycle.
  • Assessing the genetic stability of cryopreserved plant material.
  • Project manager
    • Grant T (2000): Biochemical studies on the effect of cryopreservation on plant tissues.
    • Program PNCDI I - BIOTECH (01-2-CPD-4/2001): Preservation of regenerative capacity of potato shoot tips for their storage in gene banks.
    • Program PNCDI I - BIOTECH (04-2-PED-4527/2004): Genetic stability studies on cryopreserved strawberry plants.
    • Program PNCDI I - CERES (05-D-11-82/2005): Genetic diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of problematic species in the Romanian flora and fauna, investigated by morphological and molecular methods.
    • Program PNCDI I - CERES (CEEX-06-11-61/2006): Assessment of ecophysiological and cyto-genotoxic effects of severalxenobiotics in polluted aquatic ecosystems.
    • Program PNII - Partnerships in Priority Areas (51-067/2007): Biodiversity conservation and characterization of apple genetic resources for gene bank preservation.
    • Program PNII - Ideas (280/2011): Assessment of genetic stability in cryopreserved Romanian elite tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cultivars.
    Partner team leader
    • Program PNCDI I – CERES Partnerships (Nr. 173/04.11.2004): Microwave field detector for biological protection with continuous monitoring of electromagnetic events.
    • Program PNCDI I – CERES Partnerships (Nr. 80/3/20.10.2005): Microwave interaction with molecular and bio-molecular systems.
    • Program PNCDI I – CERES (19/2005): Assessment of genetic variability by molecular markers and cryopreservation of valuable grape vine varieties.
    • Program PNII - Partnerships in Priority Areas (31-008/2007): Biodiversity enhancement of ex situ conservation and assessment of somaclonal variability by molecular techniques for genomic analysis of endemic or endangered taxons of Natura 2000 sites.
    • Program PNII - Partnerships in Priority Areas (61-007/2007): The study of gene variability involved in multiple antibiotic resistance to the main bacterial agents of nosocomial infections for clinical application of molecular diagnostic methods.
    • Program PNII - Partnerships in Priority Areas (51-039 /2007): The traceability of mineral elements found in grapevines from the Târnave vineyard.
    • Halmagyi, A., Deliu, C., Isac, V. (2010) Cryopreservation of Malus cultivars: Comparison of two droplet protocols. Scientia Horticulturae 124: 387-392. Doi: 1016/j.scienta.2010.01.012
    • Halmagyi, A., Pinker, I. (2014) Germination and cryopreservation responses of Jatropha curcas in relation to seed quality. Seed Science and Technology 42: 1-11. Doi: 15258/sst.2014.42.3.04
    • Halmagyi, A., Coste, A., Tripon, S., Craciun, C. (2017) Low temperature induced alterations in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) shoot apex cells. Scientia Horticulturae 222: 22-31. Doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.04.019
    • Halmagyi, A., Surducan, E., Surducan, V. (2017) The effect of low- and high-power microwave irradiation on in vitro grown Sequoia plants and their recovery after cryostorage. Journal of Biological Physics 43: 367-379. DOI: 1007/s10867-017-9457-4
    • Halmagyi, A., Coste, A., Jarda L., Butiuc-Keul, A., Holobiuc, I., Cristea, V. (2020) A safeguard measure of endemic and endangered plant species: Cryostorage of Dianthus Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 3445-3460. Doi: 10.1007/s10531-020-02032-3

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