Dr. Thomas Kuhn

Dr. Thomas Kuhn

Scientific Researcher

I am a plant ecologist, studying a variety of topics in this domain, in general related to factors directly or indirectly affecting functions and biodiversity of grassland ecosystems. These topics include the effect of management and land-use history on grassland biodiversity, trait-based differentiation between invasive and naturalized plant species, landscape level habitat fragmentation and its effect on geneflow and hybridization.



My experience comprises the study of grassland ecosystems on the field (in-situ), through vegetation surveys and monitoring, but also experimental plant ecology conducted (ex-situ) through trait monitoring in common garden experiments. I also work with a diverse range of statistical modelling techniques like machine learning, ordinations, or niche models, to test hypothesis, reveal patterns in the data and formulate predictions. My research includes the following topics:
  • Trait based differentiation between casual, naturalized and invasive plant species, and trait-based predictions of newly introduced or naturalized plant species with high potential of becoming invasive.
  • Regeneration potential of grasslands from the seed banks of old-fields (abandoned croplands) and trait-based differentiation and prediction of persistent vs transient seed bank formers.
  • Grassland management, land-use history and vegetation monitoring, through the integration of multitemporal and multispectral satellite based remote-sensing data.
    • „FRUITDIV: Exploiting the Untapped Potential of Fruit Tree Wild Diversity for Sustainable Agriculture” Lider de proiect: Dr. Anamaria Roman Detalii proiect: HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01-13-Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop wild relatives for sustainable agriculture Funcție: Scientific Researcher
    • „Developing a national risk assessment scheme using the functional trait-based approach for early detection of future invasive plant species” Instituție: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca Lider de proiect: Dr. Fenesi Annamária Detalii proiect: Grant național: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0414 Poziție: Research Assistant
    • „Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian region” Instituție: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca Lider de proiect: Conf. Dr. Mihai Pușcaș Detalii proiect: Grant internațional, Nr. 36244/12.12.2018 Poziție: Research Assistant
    • „STACCATO („SusTaining Agricultural Change Through ecological engineering and Optimal use of natural resources”)” Instituție: Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Lider de proiect: Prof. Dr. Rákosy László Detalii proiect: PNIII - P3 – Cooperare europeană și internațională, ERA-NET/ERA-NET Cofund, 2016-2019 Poziție: Research Assistant
    • Kuhn, T. and Ruprecht E. (2023). Niche breadth and overlap of pseudogamous apomictic Crataegus hybrids and their progenitors in north-western Romania. Preslia, 95: 447-474.
    • Kuhn, T., Ruprecht, E. (2022). Flowering phenology may shape hybridization patterns of hawthorn (Crataegus) species. Contribuții Botanice 57, 95-107. https://doi.org/10.24193/Contrib.Bot.57.7
    • Kuhn, T., Györfi, O., Ruprecht, E. (2022). Seedling performance, allocation patterns and phenotypic plasticity of two sympatric hawthorn species and their natural hybrid. Flora 287, 151994. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flora.2021.151994
    • Kuhn, T., Domokos, P., Kiss, R., Ruprecht, E. (2021). Grassland management and land use history shape species composition and diversity in Transylvanian semi-natural grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 24, e12585. https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12585
    • Kuhn T., Jancsó B., Ruprecht E. (2020). Hawthorn (Crataegus) Taxa and their hybrids in North-Western Romania: a recommendation for national identification keys based on morphometric analysis. Contribuții Botanice 55, 7–26. https://doi.org/10.24193/Contrib.Bot.55.1
    • Kuhn, T., Fodor, E.I., Tripon, S., Fenesi, A., Ruprecht, E. (2016). Allometric relationships between seed morphology and seed coat anatomy of herbaceous species from Central-Eastern Europe. Seed Science Research, 26 (3): 264-272.
    • Ruprecht, Franz Essl, F., Moț, C.A. Balaji, B., Kuhn, T., Fenesi, A., Mardari, C., Miholcsa Zs. (2024). Ecological attributes promoting intra-continental range-expansion of a native annual forb triggered by intensified land-use. Flora, 310, 152416
    • Fenesi, A. Botta-Dukát, Z., Miholcsa, Zs., Szigeti, V., Molnár, Cs., Sándor, D., Szabó, A., Kuhn, T., Kovács-Hostyánszki, A. (2023). No consistencies in abundance-impact relationships across herbaceous invasive species and ecological impact metrics. Journal of Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14085
    • Mátis, A., Szabó, A., Lzscov, D., Sramkó, G., Kuhn, T., Bădărău, A. S., Bartha, L. (2017). Validating the systematic placement of Eriosynaphe in the genus Ferula (Apiaceae: Scandiceae: Ferulinae) linked with the description of Ferula mikraskythiana nov. from Romania. Phytotaxa 298, 239-252. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.298.3.3
    • Ruprecht, E., Fenesi, A., Fodor, E.I., Kuhn, T., Tökölyi, J. (2015). Shape determines fire tolerance of seeds in non-fire-prone temperate grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 17(5): 397-404.
    • Ruprecht, E., Lukács, K., Domokos, P., Kuhn, T., Fenesi, A.(2015). Hydratation status influences seed fire tolerance in temperate European herbaceous species. Plant Biology, 18 (2): 295-300.
    • Ruprecht, E., Annamária F.,Fodor E.I., Kuhn, T. (2013). Prescribed burning as an alternative management in grasslands of temperate Europe: The impact on seeds. Basic and Applied Ecology, 14(8): 642–650.

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