Maria Mirabela Pop

Maria Mirabela Pop

Research Assistant

PhD student in Biology at the School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy (SCOSAAR), conducting research at the "Emil Racoviță" Institute of Speleology. My work focuses on the diversity and adaptations of crustacean species in the sulfidic mesothermal aquifer of Mangalia, situated in Southern Dobrogea, Romania.


My research interests include hydrobiology, groundwater ecology, with a focus on the taxonomy of cyclopoid copepods and the morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations of crustacean species in subterranean waters. I am also interested in freshwater zooplankton and phytoplankton communities and their species interactions to better understand food web dynamics.
  • PredAqua (membru): "Predictive food web models for aquatic ecosystems" (PNRR/2022/C9/MCID/I8) (2024-2026)
  • Drăgușin, V., Vlaicu, M., Balan, S.V., Baciu, M., Pop, M.M., and Sambor, A.O. (2023). Characteristics of submerged and partially submerged caves (habitat type 8330) in Romania. Monit. Assess. 195, 1520. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-023-12137-1
  • Di Lorenzo, T., Galassi, D.M.P., Tabilio Di Camillo, A., Pop, M.M., Iepure, S., and Piccini, L. (2023). Life-history traits and acclimation ability of a copepod species from the dripping waters of the Corchia Cave (Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy). Water 15, 1356. DOI: 10.3390/w15071356
  • Pop, M.M., Di Lorenzo, T., and Iepure, S. (2023). Living on the edge – An overview of invertebrates from groundwater habitats prone to extreme environmental conditions. Ecol. Evol. 10, 1054841. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1054841

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